Sun Rising on Celadon

It’s been a good minute since I’ve worn a suit – let alone a suit, tie, and loafers. I thought ‘What the hell’… if I’m going to start fresh, remind them who She’s a Gent is and ‘make it worth their while!’

To be completely honest, I didn’t style this look. I picked out the suit and shirt, but my mother, the fashionista and soon to be my personal stylist when acting really takes off, put this look together. She has an eye for detail like no other!

The purple shirt was an easy choice to the pink accent color of the celadon suit, but the necktie is the piece truly brought the ensemble to life! Notice how the raspberry tie pops in such a subtle way that pulls out the colors of the suit?! Then there are the bracelets. I probably would’ve taken the easy way out by wearing the first two bracelets (green and white), but instead she added in the navy multiple color beads to help offset the suede loafers and bring out another layer of color from the suit.  I might’ve gone for a pink rope bracelet to connect to the suit but she often reminds me that you don’t want things to be too expected. It’s always about continuing to push the boundaries by getting people to think outside of the box!!

Once we had the look down, it was a no brainer on the shoes. And you know what they say…. “give a girl a good pair of shoes, and she can conquer the world!” That’s exactly what I’m about to do!

So don’t go anywhere because I’m only just getting started!



Suit & Shirt The Tailory NYC | Custom Made | Create yours here

Bracelets Jonas Studio NYC | Small | Shop here

Loafers Aquatalia | Womens 7 | Same shoe, different color here

Photos by Marta Skovro

Green Suit
She's a Gent - Sun Rising on Celadon 3
She's a Gent Celadon Suit
Green Suit

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Floral Blazer
Sun Rising on Celadon