I am so excited to start this next chapter in my life. Two years ago, if you would have asked me where I’d be in the world of blogging I wouldn’t have been able to truthfully the question. Now I finally can. I know who I am, what I want to do and where I want to go. I want to inspire others to be themselves, be comfortable in their own skin and to realize that we were all created to be unique and equal. It doesn’t matter if you are gay, straight, black, white, male or female. We are suppose to LIVE, LOVE, and SERVE one another. We are suppose to motivate, help and learn from one another. Oh and most importantly we should be filled with happiness.
I hope that I spread nothing but positivity, education, love, and inspiration with the launch of my YouTube Channel.
I love you all. Thank you for the support and I hope that you continue to support and subscribe to my new platform.
What do you think?