Let’s talk drivers. You all have seen me in various ones since the weather has warmed up. They are stylish, versatile, and come in an array of colors. Making it the almost perfect summer shoe.
Drivers are great for both casual and formal occasions. Typically I wear them with casual attire like denim, slacks, or shorts paired with a t-shirt or button up. And yet, If I were attending an event and needed to wear more formal attire, then I’d wear them with a light cotton or linen suit.
The material that the driver is made of also comes into question when wearing them. Suedes are a bit more casual and come in many colors, whereas leather, in my opinion, shows a bit more dressy.
The beauty of fashion is that you can pick and choose what works best for you. My favorite ones are from Tods, but here are a couple of other brands that I like also (from most expensive to affordable)
4) Kenneth Cole (Men)
5) ASO5 (Men)
Happy shopping!!!

What do you think?