International Fashion Festival | Fashion is Big Business Panel

Fashion Is Big Business kicked off the 2nd Annual International Fashion Festival (formerly known as Barbados Fashion Week) moderated by Sharifa Murdock (co-founder of the Liberty Fairs Trade Show).

I was honored when she asked me to join the panel to add my expertise on the digital world and social media.

To be honest I was a little bit nervous on how I would introduce myself. The West Indian culture isn’t very accepting of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. Then I thought to myself, if I’m going to continue to be true to who I am and potentially inspire others to do the same then I have to be able to share my story without an apology. To my surprise, the reaction was warm and welcoming.

The discussion on fashion, business, branding, trends, education, social media, and so much more could have gone on for days. We were so entrenched in conversation that we ran over and had to stop just when it felt like we had really gotten started. It was amazing!

Sharifa wrapped up with an important message about networking. She encouraged the ladies to meet at least one new person in the room. I was blown away by how many young and older women approached me and thanked me for sharing my story. They were inspired and in awe of my style and message. It was extremely humbling.

The last woman to approach me is the founder of a modeling agency. She began telling me about two of her models: one lady (possible pronoun she or he) who wants transition and present as a male model and another young gentlemen who is gay. I asked her a ton of questions that no one had ever ask before in an attempt to prepare her to help them with their careers. I introduced her to dapperQs Instagram of which she was so thankful. I’m so excited to be a part of their journey.

It’s amazing how discussions can lead to life altering conversations.

Thank you to Barbados, Sharifa Murdock, and the International Fashion Festival for allowing me to be a part of an amazing experience and weekend.



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Drivers Tods | Size 37 | Similar – Women’s • Men’s


International Fashion Festival ’17 – #Sponsored Travel by Barbados Tourism

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International Fashion Festival | Fashion is Big Business Panel