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Make an appointment. Show up. Get a cut and free beer. Yep, that’s pretty much the routine.
I had nowhere to turn when I finally decided to cut my hair. I jumped onto Yelp and Google to search for salons and read reviews. I found a few spots with great reviews, but my first call to a stylist did not go well. I won’t dive into what he said, but let’s just say it wasn’t meant to be. Luckily enough for me, a coworker of mine had a barber that recently transformed the style of his hair. I was sold off of his hair style alone. He recommended his barber Paul who works for Blind Barber in Brooklyn. So I took a leap of faith and booked an appointment that same day.
Paul was so shocked the first time that we met. Not because of something silly like being a girl, but because I was literally chopping all of my hair off. For those of you who didn’t know, I had longer hair all of my life. It use to be down to the middle of my back, but it was just a few inches below my shoulder blades before Paul chopped it off.
I gave him a picture of my #MCM, David Beckham, and said this is what I want. Then it all just happened. The first cut and I knew that there was no turning back. Since then, Paul and I formed a great relationship. I never really know what I’m getting myself into when I get there, but we pretty much keep the same style. Maybe he’ll shave a little more off of the sides or taper the back of my neck just a shade lighter. I just know that he has my best interest at heart when it comes to my look! He cuts, I drink Allagash and we just talk about any and everything. From his dreams of becoming a pro skateboarder, to the blog, to his sons now learning how to skate. It’s a routine I’ve definitely grown fond of.
If you live in NY and you are looking for a barber. I highly recommend Paul Langevin. You will not regret it!
Photos and video by Nick Urteaga